Most people don't actually realize the importance of packing light while traveling. Packing light is not only an option, it is actually very necessary if you want to avoid irritating problems and travel delays. Apart from that and more importantly, you save a lot of money when you can travel light.
A traveler with minimum baggage is not going to be so dependent on porters and will have fewer luggage hassles at the airport too. You can simply pick up your bag and be on your way. Besides, with lots of luggage to tow around you cannot really use public transport and this could save you a lot of money on your vacation.
Here are some good packing tips and with some careful planning you will find yourself traveling lighter and more hassle free; this will undoubtedly help to make your vacation more enjoyable and save quite a bit of money while you are on the move.
- Try to limit your goods to one piece of baggage, preferably a small one. This will save you the money to be paid for excess baggage. You will also feel much lighter and save on time, while you see other people waiting in line to claim their luggage.
- Try to keep all your valuables with you while you travel. This will avoid any kind of problems in case of missing luggage. Most airlines limit the amount of luggage one can take and also what you can keep with you while on board. In such cases it is necessary that you know exactly what to carry and what not to.
- While packing, make sure that all the things you might need during your journey are close to you. If you leave necessary things out of your reach in the luggage compartment and not in your hand baggage you may run into problems later.
- When you do your packing, remember that it is comfort which should take precedence over fashion. Pack clothes sensibly, keeping in mind the weather of the places you are going to. Take clothes which can be used for various occasions.
- Plan your clothing and the related accessories just like you would your trip so that you know exactly what you can wear on which day. Team up, skirts, trousers and shirts in such a way that each will compliment the other. That way you won't have to carry quite so many different items.
- If you don't have clothes that are usable, invest wisely in some articles of clothing which are light weight and stylish too. Double up your beach wear clothes to be used as night wear, that way you not only save money but will also travel a little lighter.
- While packing your shoes remember that they would be taking up a maximum amount of your packing space. So choose your foot wear wisely. If possible choose one pair that will serve you for both out doors as well as indoors.
- Use the small spaces or corners in your bag to pack in underwear or small stuff that you might need. Always roll your clothes instead of folding them, that will to keep them wrinkle free.
- Whenever possible pack small packets and sachets of toiletries. Most budget travelers collect such pocket sized toiletries from the hotels they might have visited on previous trips. This helps the budget traveler save the expense of buying new toiletries exclusively for traveling.
- Don't forget to pack useful small items that you might need while traveling. Finger nail clippers and tweezers, and a needle and thread are items not to be overlooked. You might also find it handy to have a small foldable bag with you so that in case of extra shopping you don't need to spend money on new containers to haul the things home..
Packing light will help you travel more comfortably and it will always help you to save on your travel budget.