Need a brilliant and easy way to save money on fuel? Fuel prices are not likely to be as affordable as before. Today, most drivers are exploring different ways to improve their car's fuel efficiency and avoid spending so much of their hard earned money on fuel. And one way of cutting down on fuel consumption that has got the automobile world buzzing is by converting water into fuel.
While many have converted their cars and trucks to run on compressed natural gas (CNG) or even switched to an electric-gasoline hybrid car, a growing number of innovative people significantly save money on fuel by fixing their vehicles with homemade water fuel kits. And the name literally says it all - you can make these water fuel kits yourself from home!
It costs you thousands of dollars to convert your car to run on CNG. And although it will eventually help you save money on fuel, not many of us are ready to spend such a huge amount of money on our cars. Not especially when there is a more affordable way of saving on fuel by making your own homemade water fuel kit.
Water fuel kits make use of the electricity from your car battery or alternator to extract the hydrogen and oxygen elements of water through electrolysis. The gaseous end product known as Hydroxy is then introduced to the engine's air and fuel mixture to act as an enhancing supplement. Hydroxy is 3 times more powerful than normal petrol, and helps the latter to burn more efficiently and cleanly. This means less fuel is wasted through incomplete combustion, a phenomena common to our existing engine design.
What this means is that less fuel is needed by the engine to drive the car or truck, and less fuel is wasted too. The result - a significant achievement to save money on fuel, as you cut down on the number of visits to the fuel pumps.
The great thing about water fuel kits is its affordability. Because you can make the water fuel kit from home, it does not cost you thousands to convert your car to run on water fuel. With $200 or below, one can obtain the instruction manual on how to make the water fuel device and also to get the necessary materials. It's a relatively simple and interesting project if you have basic technical knowledge, or engage a friend or family member to help you out on the technical parts.
Being affordable and with promises of improving fuel consumption by up to 70%, making your homemade water fuel kit is definitely the best way to save money on fuel.